I'm Nick Magruder and I'm a former bicycle mechanic, turned internet mechanic.

Between those careers I spent seven years in non-profit fundraising and climate campaign work. I've built bike shop repair queue systems, designed organization-wide gift processing & database procedures. I’ve built SQL queries that turned an annual 27% membership drop into an 11% increase, and set fundraising records at both Environment Washington and the Arboretum Foundation.

That work is what made me learn to code, seeing how small organizations and companies could benefit from the automation found in coding, freeing their staff to focus on their core missions, particularly seeing the real-world results that came from quality SQL queries. I’m definitely a huge map nerd, and am very interested in data visualization, particularly geovisualization. I think code can be used to build truly transformational tools for translating big data into visuals so anyone better understand our highly complex world.

Most importantly, what brought me to learn code was my dedication to seek-out and learn whatever skill or tool was needed to solve the problem in front of me, and I bring that dedication wherever I go.